Instant-Printing Large Screen Photo Booth Serving  Moncton and surrounding areas specializing in making your event a big success

You can use our Custom quote generator below to give you an estimate of what your Photo Booth services will cost based on your requirements.
Please note that this is an estimate only.
After you have entered all the correct information for your planned event, submit the form.
We will contact you to confirm your quote or ask any additional questions about your event we need to complete your quote.
Please provide as much information as possible to get the most acurate estimate.

Your current estimate: $800

Enter the length of your desired Photo Booth Service

Increasing or decreasing hours will add or subtract $100 /hour 

Instant Printing:

Digital only events are $50 / hour less than events with instant prints

Travel Charge calculation:

The first 50 Km is free. 
Enter a number if your event is more than 50 Km from Moncton Center (Distance from Moncton to your event -50)

If you want to submit this instant quote for MyPhotoBooth to review, please enter some details about your event below.
We will review and verify your quote and contact you if we require more information.
Note: submitting this form does not guarantee your event is booked

Thank you. Your quotation has been sent to MyPhotoBooth for review. We will review your quote and reply to you ASAP.
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